~The Fool's Muse~
Dream of a Child




So dark, so many shadows.
I flee desperately down streets I once knew,
beasts in the dark striking out at me.
I flit from place to place, my feet not always touching the ground
I see a large old house ahead, and fly up off the pavement and land upon its roof
I strive to find an open window, but suddenly I am inside, like magic
I crouch behind a sofa, a silky red dress curled around me
my perceptions are altered, here
I cannot speak, but I care not
I am such innocence, that a small child finds me and feeds me breakfast
A man mutters briefly about my muted state, but I know better than he.
I stare into a mirror, and the face of a little girl looks back at me,
yet the eyes betray an eternal wisdom.
I have all the power in the world, but I'm too fragile to know...
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